Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) allows you to save for your child’s higher studies. When you open RESP account, various government bodies, such as Canadian Education Saving Grant (CESG), Canada Learning Bond and British Columbia Training and Education Saving Grant, also add a predefined amount. Moreover, the amount is not subject to any taxes until its withdrawn. As there are many other costs associated with tuition fees, RESP helps to cover them.

We can help to open RESP account and the savings are 100% secure. There is a death benefit option also available.

Why Form us

We help to figure out the right amount you will need for children’s higher studies. Our staff goes through each detail with you to find the best plan that suits your need.

We also provide Kids Life Insurance.

About Us

We started in 2011 to create awareness about the importance of insurance and focus more on providing a personalized experience.